How Long To Boil Eggs For Hard Boiled | Check This Amazing Fact

Before we jump into how long to boil eggs for the hard-boiled need to know how to cook it perfectly. It is very difficult to peel the egg because the shell is glued to the white because the eggs float. What type of egg should we use? all these problems will not happen to you again, I assure you.

It is easy to overdo or fall short in cooking, what is the best way to cook an egg? How long should we cook a hard-boiled egg to make it perfect? What should we do to prevent the shell from breaking? At what temperature should we cook the egg?

To get the perfect hard-boiled egg it must have the following characteristics: the shell must not be broken or glued to the white, it must be easy to peel, the white must be white and compact, the yolk cooked but juicy without that green color that indicates that we have passed time.

Are you interested? Well, keep reading and don’t miss the video that I present below.

how long to boil eggs for hard boiled

How to peel hard-boiled eggs without destroying egg? How to get a centered yolk?

  1. The main thing, use fresh eggs. When the eggs have been at home for a long time (I am not saying that they have expired) they become dehydrated and the air chamber they contain inside increases in size.
  2. So when an egg is not fresh they usually float when they are put into the pot. Which makes the egg dance with the hot water and break.
  3. It is convenient to take the eggs out of the fridge for a while before cooking them, which are at room temperature. An hour before is enough.
  4. The pan where we are going to cook the eggs must be full of water, enough to cover them completely.
  5. When the eggs are not fresh, the yolk is unevenly distributed inside the egg, leaving it off-center. No problem with this, as the yolk will be perfect to consume, but it will not be the best for the yolk to separate from the white when cutting it.
  6. The trick of a pinch of salt and a splash of wine vinegar works. This way we will achieve that the vinegar that we have added to the water will facilitate the coagulation of the proteins of the egg.
  7. This will quickly seal the crack formed in the shell and prevent the egg from leaking into the water.

how long do you boil hard-boiled eggs and temperature

Boiling at high temprature

  1. There are two possibilities, either introduce the egg when the water is cold or do it when it is boiling. In the latter case, it is convenient to leave it 2 minutes longer than when we introduce them with cold water.
  2. Once the water is boiling we must leave it between 11-12 minutes depending on the size of the egg or the number of those we are cooking.
  3. If we leave it longer than it should, we will have a slightly gummy egg, with a white with an unpleasant smell and a yolk with grayish or greenish tones. This is because the proteins in the white contain sulfur atoms. If cooking is excessive, hydrogen sulfide is released, a gas that gives an unpleasant odor to the egg (like rotten) and a greenish color to the yolk. It can be eaten, but its appearance will not be the best in the world.
  4. The white solidifies at 62º C and the yolk at 68º C, perfectly the egg should cook a little more than 10 minutes at 69º C, depending on the size of the egg and its initial temperature.
  5. As at home it is difficult to be so exact, the water should be at around 100º C, which is when it starts to bubble, boiling water, and we will have a boiled egg after 11 minutes. It also depends on the tastes of the house and your vitro, induction hob, or fire.

Three types of boiled eggs

3 types of eggs

Soft-boiled egg: as you know, the soft-boiled egg has a liquid yolk and a slightly curdled white (semi-liquid). The cooking time to achieve this is 3-4 minutes.

Mollet or the fluffy egg: this name receives the egg that has the clear curd and the somewhat liquid yolk. To achieve this, cooking must last 5 minutes.

Cooked Egg: A properly cooked egg should have a compact white and curd yolk, with no grayish or greenish colors. To achieve this, the cooking time should be 10-12 minutes.
With all these tips and your experience, I am sure that you will find the right point to get your perfect egg. The one that best suits your tastes.

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