Butternut Squash Puree Gordon Ramsay Recipe

Butternut Squash is of great nutritional value with a number of essential nutrients and there is no difficulty to make this one, you should make this more often to get the puree prepared for the elders and babies.

The flavor of the butternut squash is really nice and if you want to add some additional flavor then you can go for it undoubtedly to make a more modified form of the yummy butternut squash. The recipe is super short about half an hour and includes a really short list of the ingredients.


  • 1 large-sized Squash
  • Few cubes of butter
  • Few pinches of salt

Method to Make the Butternut Squash

Bring a large-sized Butternut Squash and put it on a cutting slide.

Then use a knife to slice the Squash from the center. Make sure to make even halves.

Put the two halves straight on the cutting board.

Then bring a spoon and remove the seeds from both halves of the squash properly. Make sure to clean the pit properly by using this spoon.

Then bring a baking pan and put the two halves into the pan. Bake the two halves in the oven for some time and then take them out of the oven.

They are super soft and juicy from the inside after baking. Use a fork to check the texture of the squash. You will see it is moist enough.

Remove the flesh from the halves of the baked squash by using a stand over the bowl.

Once all the flesh is removed add it to the jug of a stand mixer. Blend at high speed.

Turn off the mixer, open up the jug add butter cubes into the jug. Sprinkle some salt into the puree.

Close the jus and puree again. Keep the speed high this time.

Butternut Squash Puree Gordon Ramsay Recipe

Your Butternut squash is ready to serve with your favorite snacks and pairs.


Can we give the butternut squash to the babies?

Butternut Squash contains a good quantity of vitamins. A fair quantity of fiber is also present along with potassium. So butternut squash provides nutrients to babies and therefore you can serve it to the babies.

How to cut the butternut Squash according to Gordon Ramsay?

You should cut the butternut squash upside down from here it gets narrowed. Use a sharp knife for this purpose. Use a spoon to remove the seeds.

Butternut Squash Puree Gordon Ramsay Recipe

Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time10 minutes
Total Time20 minutes
Course: Side Dish
Cuisine: American
Servings: 6


  • 1 large-sized Squash
  • Few cubes of butter
  • Few pinches of salt


  • Bring a large-sized Butternut Squash and put it on a cutting slide.
  • Then use a knife to slice the Squash from the center. Make sure to make even halves.
  • Put the two halves straight on the cutting board.
  • Then bring a spoon and remove the seeds from both halves of the squash properly. Make sure to clean the pit properly by using this spoon.
  • Then bring a baking pan and put the two halves into the pan. Bake the two halves in the oven for some time and then take them out of the oven.
  • They are super soft and juicy from the inside after baking. Use a fork to check the texture of the squash. You will see it is moist enough.
  • Remove the flesh from the halves of the baked squash by using a stand over the bowl.
  • Once all the flesh is removed add it to the jug of a stand mixer. Blend at high speed.
  • Turn off the mixer, open up the jug add butter cubes into the jug. Sprinkle some salt into the puree.
  • Close the jus and puree again. Keep the speed high this time.
  • Your Butternut squash is ready to serve with your favorite snacks and pairs.

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