Costco Edamame Recipe

Edamame is a Japanese dish prepared with immature soya beans in the dish. They have gained popularity in recent years. These pods are boiled or steamed or can be served with salt or other condiments. It’s rich in vitamins, dietary fibers, and isoflavones. In India, these green soya bean pods are called “Soya bean chili”.

In addition to being a decent source of soy protein, edamame is rich in proteins with essential amino acids needed for muscle maintenance.  It is a valuable source of a variety of other nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, calcium, and iron. Additionally, it is rich in healthy fiber, antioxidants, and vitamin K.

The Costco edamame is an economical, amazing recipe and hell easy to make. Whenever you are short on time just go for it. This snack can just be prepared in a few minutes and with no fancy ingredients required.

After that when I tried it for first it was a part of our meals at least thrice a week as everyone in the family and friends loved this soft and delicious healthy green snack.

These Costco edamame can be prepared in both ways either by boiling beans or cooking by steam.


  • Costco edamame in pods – 2 ( frozen)
  • Salt – 1 tbsp.
  • Water –6 cups

Instructions to Make Costco Edamame

For Boiled Edamame

  1. Take a pot and add water and salt to it. Bring it to a boil at a high flame.
  2. When water is boiled, add in it thawed edamame pods in it and boil it for about 5 minutes unless the pods are tenderized enough to leave the beans.
  3. Once the beans are released by the pods, strain them and separate the beans in a bowl.
  4. Sprinkle salt in beans and your Costco edamame beans are ready.

For Steamed Edamame

  1. Steaming the edamame is a good option.
  2. In a pot add an inch of water and bring it to a boil.
  3. Place the edamame on the steamer basket.
  4. When water comes to a boil, add the steamer basket along with the edamame to the pot and cover it with the lid.
  5. Steam at least for about 10 minutes until the pods become tender.
  6. Now take the edamame out of the pod and extract the beans from it.
  7. Sprinkle the same kosher salt and serve hot or cold.


  1. Don’t extra cook the beans as they will soften later too.
  2. Dare not to cool the beans under running cold water because it’ll ruin the beans.
  3. Use extra salt for boiling so that the flavor perfectly insert into the beans.


How long does edamame last after cooking?

Edamame can last for around 4-5 days after cooking in a refrigerator and only for 2-3 hours at room temperature.

How much an amount of edamame can a person take per day?

About half a cup of edamame will be enough for a person to take in a day and more than that. It will really punch up the fiber, protein, vitamin/ mineral content of the body

Are edamame and soya beans the same?

Soybeans and edamame are essentially the same with the difference that soybeans are yellow, ripe, and mature while edamame is green, young, and immature.

Costco Edamame Recipe

Prep Time2 minutes
Total Time7 minutes
Course: Side Dish
Cuisine: Japanese
Servings: 4


  • Costco edamame in pods – 2 frozen
  • Salt – 1 tbsp.
  • Water –6 cups


For Boiled Edamame

  • Take a pot and add water and salt to it.  Bring it to a boil at a high flame.
  • When water is boiled, add in it thawed edamame pods in it and boil it for about 5 minutes unless the pods are tenderized enough to leave the beans.
  • Once the beans are released by the pods, strain them and separate the beans in a bowl.
  • Sprinkle salt in beans and your Costco edamame beans are ready.

For Steamed Edamame

  • Steaming the edamame is a good option.
  • In a pot add an inch of water and bring it to a boil.
  • Place the edamame on the steamer basket.
  • When water comes to a boil, add the steamer basket along with the edamame to the pot and cover it with the lid.
  • Steam at least for about 10 minutes until the pods become tender.
  • Now take the edamame out of the pod and extract the beans from it.
  • Sprinkle the same kosher salt and serve hot or cold.

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