How to Store Kiwi Properly? The Correct Way

If the kiwi harvest was very productive, you do not have to eat all the fruits at once. If stored correctly, they will last a long time.

As a rule, you can harvest your kiwifruit in October or November at the latest. But then they are not yet suitable for consumption. If you were to eat the fruits now, you would quickly notice that they are still inedible. So you have to store the kiwifruit for a while and allow it to ripen. You can go about this in very different ways.

How to properly store kiwifruit

You should always leave kiwis hanging on the bush for as long as possible. However, it is important that you harvest them before the first frost, regardless of whether they are mature or not. You can then store the kiwifruit as follows:

Store kiwifruit at room temperature

It is best to keep fruits that you want to eat as soon as possible at room temperature as they ripen quickly.

Store kiwis in the refrigerator

If the kiwis are ready to eat, it is advisable to store them in the refrigerator. So they don’t spoil so easily. However, take them out of the cold well in advance of consuming them. This is the only way to enjoy the full aroma.

Store kiwis in the cellar

If you want to let the kiwifruit ripen or store it for up to 10 weeks, it is best to put the fruits in boxes and put them in the cool cellar. The temperature should not exceed 10 ° Celsius. In addition, you have to store the kiwifruit in one layer; otherwise they will easily get rotten.

It is also important that you check the fruit regularly and sort out bad and ripe kiwis. The latter is best kept in the refrigerator until consumption or processed directly. For example, with a delicious kiwi smoothie or a delicious kiwi quark cake.

It is better not to store certain types of fruit together

Some types of fruit and vegetables emit a gas called ethylene, which accelerates the ripening process. This affects not only the gas-producing fruits and vegetables themselves, but also the fruits stored in the neighborhood. Give this maturation gas, for example

  • Apples
  • Apricots
  • Bananas
  • Pears
  • Peaches

So if you do not want your stored kiwis to ripen prematurely, then you have to make sure that you store the fruits separately from these fruits and vegetables. If you would like the kiwifruit to ripen very quickly, simply put them in a plastic bag together with an apple.

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