How to use chia seeds? 14 Best ways

Chia seeds are really popular in the nutrition world today. You have not yet succumbed to this fashion? You should give it a try, because chia seeds are packed with good things and can be cooked in minutes or added left and right.

Nutritionally speaking, chia seeds, like flax seeds, are known for their interesting content in omega-3 fatty acids, these precious elements that promote good cardiovascular health. One tablespoon (15ml) of chia seeds also has 4g of fiber, which goes a long way towards our recommended fiber intake for the day. Finally, these small seeds contain proteins, phosphorus, calcium and antioxidants.

You can find chia seeds in specialized grocery stores or often in the organic section of grocery stores. They are quite expensive, but be aware that small quantities are sufficient to prepare desserts or integrate them into your dishes.

How to use chia seeds in cooking?

Here are 14 best ways and ideas to use chia seeds in your food. Have look at them and your best way to use chia seeds.

1. As a smoothie

First idea to enjoy the benefits of chia seeds: add them to your smoothies! Add the chia seeds to your smoothie just before serving (once your fruits are mixed): they will bring a little crispy side that will make your smoothies irresistible.

2. In your yogurt

Another idea to enjoy the benefits of chia seeds:  sprinkled on your yogurt! How? ‘Or’ What? Simply by adding them to your yoghurt or cottage cheese, for example at breakfast, to start a tonic and vitamin-filled day off right!

3. In your desserts

Sprinkle your creams, cakes, desserts, mousses, pies or cakes with a pinch of chia seeds as you would with the colored sprinkles. The benefits in addition!

4. In the dough of bread or cake

A tip that I love! Add chia seeds to the flour of your bread, your cakes or muffins, as you do with poppy seeds, squash seeds…. Indeed, it’s a great way to add flavor and benefits to your pasta.

5. In your salad

Another idea to enjoy the benefits of chia seeds is to sprinkle them on your salads, you will give them crunch!

6. In your accompaniments

What is another simple and delicious way to use chia in cooking? As a salad or even in your side dishes! And yes, add these little seeds to your tabbouleh , potato salad , rice , pasta , beets , etc…! Their very neutral taste will not unmask them!

7. On your toast

Another gourmet idea: In salty, sprinkled on your favorite sandwiches or toast!

8. In crufiture

Another idea for using chia seedscrufitures ! Indeed, using chia seeds in homemade jam makes it possible to bring a jellified texture to your jam while avoiding cooking the fruit (hence “raw” jam because the fruits remain raw). Only downside: the shelf life which will be shorter than when you sterilize your preparations with cooking.

Example with this magnificent raspberry crufiture: a simple recipe which can be diverted with other red fruits and at any season because it can be prepared from frozen fruits.

9. In porridge

Hot or cold, chia seed porridge is very trendy on social networks!

10. In your plant-based milks

You can add chia seeds to your vegetable milks as well as fruits to make a kind of smoothie to which it will add a little thickness and vegetable proteins. Excellent appetite suppressant and low in calories!

11. In your homemade cereal bars

Why not add some to your homemade granola bars? By replacing another ingredient you don’t like or by replacing half of it!

12. As a refreshing drink

How about a Chia Fresca? This drink of Mexican origin made with lemon, chia seeds, ginger and fresh water will make you benefit from its contribution in vitamins, antioxidants while making you happy.

13. In your dressings

Have you ever thought about making vinaigrette made from chia seeds? Delicious and very beautiful to decorate your salads in an original way.

14. To rhicken your soups / sauces

Last idea of ​​the most delicious: use chia seeds to thicken your soups or sauces!

How? ‘Or’ What? Add 3 to 4 tablespoons of chia seeds. Mix every now and then for about 20 minutes and your base will be thicker. It also works with tea which will turn into an excellent appetite suppressant!

Final Words

I hope you enjoyed these 14 chia seed recipe ideas! Whatever recipe you choose, know that it is not necessary to grind chia seeds (unlike flax seeds). Indeed, the outer shell of the seeds is extremely porous, which facilitates the digestion of the seeds by saliva and gastric juices, and therefore their assimilation by our body.

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