How to Make Iced Coffee In a Blender | Easy Way to Do It

For some people, coffee is almost as necessary as breathing, and there is no way to start the day without a good dose of caffeine. With the heat, drinking hot coffee is much less desirable, and surely that is why there are so many versions of iced coffee in all corners of the world. So let’s start how to make iced coffee in a blender?

Although here all summer life they have had ice coffee or some refreshing version. Such as coffee with soda or tonic (which the modern ones have used as a hipster invention ). Also in other countries, we find cold versions such as the Italian shakerato or the c Greek cafe frappe, made with instant coffee and ice.

The frappe coffee Greek had just become popular when the famous chain Starbucks registered the trademark Frappucino, developed many versions with different ingredients and flavors. But if we dare to prepare them at home, the truth is that it is relatively easy.

We are only going to need good coffee, ice, milk, a mixer, and our favorite extra ingredients. We warn that these versions are not the lightest thing in the world. So if we want a cold coffee for breakfast or after lunch, ice coffee is still the lightest option.

how to make iced coffee in a blender?


  • 1/2 cups cold-brewed coffee
  • 50ml milk
  • 2 cups of ice
  • 1tbsp sugar
  • whipping cream (optional)

how to make iced coffee in a blender?

We just have to mix our coffee with sugar to taste until diluted and let it warm. We mix 100 milliliters of coffee with 50 milliliters of milk and two cups of ice (the measures of coffee and milk can be adapted to taste, and the coffee can be decaffeinated or instant). We crush everything in the mixer at maximum power, until it is homogeneous and creamy. We serve in a large glass. We can, optionally, add a cloud of whipped cream and sprinkle cinnamon.

make iced coffee in a blender

Frappé coffee with vanilla

We mix 100 milliliters of warm coffee (in this case it will not be necessary to add sugar, but it goes to taste) with 50 milliliters of milk, two cups of ice, and a scoop of vanilla ice cream. We crush everything in the blender and serve in a large glass with a cloud of whipped cream.

Another option is to beat only the coffee with the milk and ice and add the scoop of vanilla ice cream when serving as they do in ice cream parlors.

Frappé coffee with dulce de leche

We will prepare 100 milliliters of warm coffee and mix them with 50 milliliters of milk, two cups of ice, and 30 milliliters of dulce de leche. We crush in the mixer at maximum power and serve by adding a cloud of whipped cream and a little dulce de leche to decorate, which we can heat in the microwave so that it is more liquid.

Frappé Mocca coffee

Again we make the basic mixture of 100 milliliters of warm coffee with sugar to taste, 50 milliliters of milk, two cups of ice, and 10 grams of cocoa powder. We crush everything in the mixer at maximum power and serve. Decorate with a cloud of whipped cream and sprinkle cocoa powder on top.