Discover Different Types of Green Beans

Fillet, mangetout, grain, climbing, dwarf … beans are synonymous with diversity and varieties abound, with their specific qualities: early harvest, length of pods, good storage … Here is our guide!

The different types of green beans

Green beans fillets

The green, long, extra-fine, straight and tasty pods of these beans must be harvested young for their taste qualities to be optimum because they “catch the thread” quickly when they grow bigger, or when the growing conditions do not suit them. It is vital to take care of the cultivation of these beans and harvest them every day or every two days.

Green snap beans

The green, purple or yellow pods (butter bean), shorter than the string beans, do not take the thread and the pod remains tender ( without parchment) ; they can therefore be eaten larger than fillet beans. Of less fine flavor, their yield is however often better and the harvests can be spaced. These are generally the varieties of mangetout which tolerate freezing the best.

“Filet sans fil” or “filets mangetout” beans

A compromise between the first two categories! The pods, a little shorter than the fillets, remain thin and cordless for a long time. Harvesting can therefore only be done every 3-4 days.

Shelling beans

The pods very quickly produce a parchment that prevents them from being eaten green (or very young). We eat the grains, in various colors (white beans are the best known), fresh, semi-dry (in autumn) or dry (in winter).

Spanish beans

The runner beans have long pods with large white beans, black, purple stained black, bronze … pods can be consumed when fresh are young and grains are eaten immature or mature. With us, they are often cultivated as an ornamental plant.

Dwarves or rowing

While fillet beans are all so-called “dwarf” beans, because their size does not exceed 60 cm in height, some varieties of snap or shell beans, and all Spanish beans, develop very long stems that can climb to more than two meters high. These are the string beans or “climbing beans” . They take up limited space in the garden, the picking of the pods is easy to reach and the pods of the beans for shelling dry easily on the stalk. On the other hand, they require the installation of oars, which, sometimes, can prove to be complicated.