What Can Be Substituted For Milk In A Recipe

Today we will tell you the best turn of the milk, that food that although it seems essential, can be perfectly substituted in most recipes.

How can I substitute milk?

It is becoming easier to find a wide range of substitute products for milk on the market. From vegetable milk such as soy, or almond, oat, or rice milk. But at what times can I replace it?

  • To drink: Choose what you like the most according to your preferences. Soy is a good option, especially since there are many flavors that can camouflage the taste of soy.
  • For sauces such as bechamel: You cannot use sweetened vegetable milk. Neutral flavors such as soy, rice, or almond milk are needed.
  • For sauces like curry: Coconut milk is perfect, and it is the one used in Asian cuisine.
  • For desserts such as custard or rice pudding: Oatmeal or hazelnut milk is perfect.
  • For desserts and smoothies: We can use any of the options, it all depends on taste.

How can I substitute the cream?

Although on the market we already find soy or oat cream for both cooking and mounting. We have other options such as:

  • Cream for desserts: You can mix in cakes and muffins a little soy milk with some flavored jam and mix everything, it is perfect.
  • Cooking cream: You can make two types of recipes. On the one hand, cook a liter of soy milk for an hour, along with a tablespoon of vegetable margarine and a little sugar to thicken it. Or beat 100 grams of tofu with two tablespoons of olive oil and another two of water. If we want sour cream, just add a few drops of lemon juice.

How can I substitute butter?

You can replace it with margarine or vegetable origin, always checking that it does not contain dairy and that it is not hydrogenated.

How can I substitute the cheeses?

In the market, we have a wide variety of vegan cheeses. But we can also make our own homemade alternatives.

  • To gratin pasta, make a pizza or gratinate vegetables: Mix the vegetable cream with about 75 grams of almonds or macadamia nuts and a few tablespoons of breadcrumbs. It will give you that cheesy feeling and add juiciness to your plate.
  • As a Philadelphia-type cheese spread: Mix white tofu with a few tablespoons of lemon juice, salt and the aromatic herb you want such as oregano or basil in a blender and the mixture will be perfect.
  • Substituting the Parmesan cheese: Toast in an oil-free skillet half a cup of raw white almonds soaked the night before. Let them be golden brown and when the whisk is cooled in the blender with two tablespoons of baking powder and two tablespoons of salt until a mixture similar to Parmesan cheese is left.

How can I substitute yogurts, custards, or puddings?

There is a wide variety of this type of dairy in oats, soy, or rice that we can buy, but we can also make them homemade with vegetable milk.