After washing, cleaning and pat drying the chicken you must season it in the beginning.
For seasoning this chicken, you must use dry sherry and salt. Sprinkle both of them over your dry chicken and let it sit for a few minutes.
Then take a separate medium-sized saucepan, add some water into it and stir the corn starch in this water.
Keep on stirring at lowered heat and then pour the chicken broth into it.
Stir well and once the broth gets boiled, you must add the soy sauce to it. In the end, add the butter and stir it.
Continue simmering the mixture and then you must add the bouillon granules at the same heat. Stir them in it.
Then you have to prepare a batter. For this purpose, combine the corn starch with flour in a deep bowl and also add baking soda to it. Mix the dry ingredients.
Then beat and egg into this dried mixture and also add some water to make it wet and get mixed easily.
Bring the already marinated chicken and then coat the batter on each chicken breast one by one.
In a large frying skillet heat enough oil for deep frying the chicken. Drop the chicken breasts into the heated oil and fry until browned and a bit crispy.
Put the fried chicken on the tissues to drain the excess oil out of it. Now you should make strips out of this chicken.
Spread the lettuce leaves at the bottom of the dish and put the chicken strips over it. Bring the toasted almonds and shower over the cooked chicken.
To make it more amazing, you should also sprinkle the thinly diced green onions.
Your Almond chicken is ready to serve with your favorite sauce which you prepared earlier.