You have to use a large-sized Dutch oven for this recipe. Heat up butter in it.
Please wait for the butter to melt, and then add the veggies, including the celery, carrot, and onions.
Once the vegetables are softened and tender enough, you must add minced garlic to them. Bring the flour and add to it.
Pour chicken stock into the mixture. In the next step, add the tomatoes to the pot. Then sprinkle the seasonings like pepper, salt, and thyme. Add potatoes to your mixture.
Boil the mixture at low heat. Stir well while simmering until the soup gets thickened.
In the next step, add the chicken to the soup mix. Add peas and corn to it. Pour milk and also add heavy cream to it. Boil at medium heat and then simmer for more time.
Sprinkle some parsley all over and serve.