Bring a cake and use oil to lubricate your pan to prevent the burning and sticking of the cake to the bottom.
Take a bowl and make sure that it is heat safe bowl. Melt your butter and add to this bowl. Combine the chocolate with this melted butter.
In this melted chocolate in the butter, add all of the chocolate chips in it. Stir them well. You can heat it if needed.
Once done, put the mixing bowl aside. Wait for it to get cooled. Once cooled add some sugar to it.
Then add the salt and mix the vanilla extract in it. Pour some vanilla extract into it.
Blend the eggs separately and mix in your batter. Mix some cocoa powder with your batter and again mix well.
Pour your batter into the baking pan and bake for half an hour. You will get a cooked and a good colored cake. Put it on a plate.
Then you have to make the glaze for your cake. Melt the chocolate, heat some cream, and mix them with each other.
Stir them well until both are melted.
Pour the glaze over the cake and serve your cake.