To make a spongy cake, you just need a preheated oven for which you should keep the temperature at 350 degrees.
In a bowl, you must add the eggs and blend these eggs well using a hand whisk or an electric blender.
Then add butter to the blended eggs also add butter to eggs. Blend the two of them well together.
Bring the baking pan and grease it with butter. Then coat a thin layer of flour at the top of the greased pan.
You need to take a mixing bowl from the kitchen and sift the flour into this bowl. Then bring the spices one by one including the sugar, all the extracts, lemon, and orange zest, and stir all of them together to combine them.
In another bowl, add butter and sugar at the same time, and make sure to make a fluffy mixture out of these two.
Pour the almond extract and vanilla extract into it.
Combine the egg mixture with the fluffy and cream butter-sugar mixture to turn it into a smooth one.
Bring the dry flour mixture and sift it into the liquid mixture. Make sure you haven't made a mess while doing it.
Bring the prepared greased pans and add the prepared batter into these greased and floured baking pans.
In the middle rack, you should place the baking pans while at the bottom portion put a heat-safe bowl which is filled with water.
Bake them for half an hour and once get the desired color take out your yummy, soft, and fluffy Guyanese Sponge Cake.