Take a skillet and heat 3 cups of water in it at medium heat. To boil your chicken pieces at them in this heated water and throw in a pinch of salt and pepper. Cook until your chicken pieces are cooked properly.
Turn the heat off after cooking and when the chicken gets cooled, slice it into small pieces.
Now bring a saucepan and heat cooking oil in it. Fry the chopped onion in this oil. It until it turned brown. After frying the onions, add garlic paste and then combine the rest of the vegetables with this mixture.
Add chopped carrots, peas, thyme leaves. Also, add chopped celery. Stir fry the mixture for another few minutes.
After frying the vegetables pour in the boiled chicken cubes, chicken broth, and half a cup of water. Cook for 15-20 minutes.
When the chicken and vegetable mixture is cooking, you should make the dumplings.
In a bowl, mix eggs and flour. Add in milk and whisk the mixture well. Make sure that the mixture attains a dough-like texture. Take the dough in a spoon and drop it in the vegetable mixture.
Drop the dumplings one by one so that they will not get sticky.
Cook the dumplings properly on low heat. Your mixture should not be too thick. To make it thin you can add more water or broth.
Turn the heat off. Transfer the chicken and dumplings into the ceramic serving bowl and garnish coriander leaves at the top.