Wash the mussels, remove the beard and put them in a saucepan witha little water and put on the fire so that they open and return their water.Then we empty them
Do the same for the trimmings and fresh shrimp heads by boiling them in water. Filter the water returned from the mussels and that from theshrimp through a colander and set aside.
In a special paella pan, put the olive oil with the onion andgarlic, the peppers and brown them until the onion falls, add the rice andcontinue to stir until 'it becomes translucent.
Add spices and salt, peas, grated tomatoes mixed with 1 spoon oftomato paste. Add the mussels and the broth.
Arrange the pieces of salmon, the shrimp, wait 5 minutes then addthe squid, the whole shrimp, the mussels with the shell and cook for the remaining time according to what is indicated on the package of rice.
Once the rice is ready and cooked, turn off the heat (there muststill be a little sauce) cover with aluminum foil and let absorb for 10 minutes before presenting the dish decorated with a few pieces of lemon.