You need to partially freeze the London broil first for better slicing. For this, wrap it in plastic wrap and keep it in the freezer for at least 1 hour.
Take the London broil out of the freezer and make slices of ¼inch thick strips.
Put all of the remaining ingredients in a large bowl and mix them well. In a large sealable baggie, add beef slices and pour the marinadeover them. Seal the bag and massage the beef with the marinade. Place the bagin the refrigerator for at least 5 hours or overnight.
Drain the marinade and spread the beef on a baking sheet. Bakefor 10 minutes in a preheated oven at 350F.
Now, place the beef strips in an even layer on thedehydrator tray. Dry them at 160F for 6 to 8 hours. Check them after 4 hoursand flip. Keep dehydrating.
Allow them to cool, then wipe away any moisture. Once cooled down, enjoy them right away.