Take a large-sized saucepan and after heating your extra virgin olive oil in this pan, you must stir fry your chopped onions in this heated oil.
Peel and dice your carrots and when your onions are browned enough, add the chopped carrots into it.
Then bring the chopped celery and combine it with the frying onion and carrots.
You need to wait until your vegetables are soft enough.
Once cooked enough, pour the broth into the vegetables. After simmering the broth for a few minutes, you must add your Turkey into the broth.
Bring your fresh thyme, and sprinkle it into the simmering soup. When simmered enough for 10-15 minutes, you must add your wide egg noodles into the simmered soup.
Then wait for your noodles to get enough cooked and become tender.
Turn off the heat after you seasoned it with the essential seasonings including salt and black pepper.
Serve after you garnish your parsley to make it more refreshing.