Open the kitchen cabinet and take out a small-sized sauce pan which must be a nonstick saucepan. Add the whipped cream into this saucepan.
Turn on the heat and also add the white chocolate chips to the cream. Stir both of them while simmering until the chocolate chips get melted in the pan.
The chocolate chips will get melted ultimately in 5-6 minutes. You can use a hand whisk instead of a spatula for better results.
Turn off the heat and after a few minutes start adding the remaining ingredients to your cream mixture.
Add the lime zest and lime juice into the cooked cream and stir. Then you must add a tablespoon of sour cream to it. Mix well.
Bring the Graham Cracker crust and fill the prepared pie filling into this crust.
Put the filled pie crust into the refrigerator. The refrigeration required a few hours for better results.
When settled enough after refrigeration, use your garnishing ingredients including the raspberries and lime slices. Garnish more with the whipped cream.
Serve your delicious White Chocolate Key Lime Pie.